An interactive contiguous cartogram reusable chart for visualizing geographical data.
Given a TopoJson topology, renders its shapes with distorted areas according to a value associated with each feature. The geo projection to be used is configurable using the projection
Uses Shawn Allen’s topogram for the algorithm computation.
import Cartogram from 'cartogram-chart';
or using a script tag
<script src="//"></script>
const myChart = new Cartogram(<myDOMElement>)
Method | Description | Default |
width([number]) | Getter/setter for the chart width in px. | <window width> |
height([number]) | Getter/setter for the chart height in px. | <window height> |
topoJson([object]) | Getter/setter for the TopoJson topology. Without this property no shapes are rendered. | |
topoObjectName([string]) | Getter/setter for the object name in the topoJson.objects structure to use. |
<first object> |
projection([object]) | Getter/setter for the geographical projection to use for rendering. | geoMercator (centered on prime meridian, slightly tilted towards the northern hemisphere) |
iterations([number]) | Getter/setter for the number of iterations to run the algorithm for. Higher numbers distorts the areas closer to their associated value, at the cost of performance. | 20 |
value([number, string or fn]) | Getter/setter for a feature’s value accessor. The shape area size is distorted according to this property. Supports either a fixed numeric value, a string indicating the features’s object attribute, or a function(feature) which should return a numeric value. |
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color([string or fn]) | Getter/setter for a feature’s color accessor, used to color the shapes. | lightgrey |
label([string or fn]) | Getter/setter for a feature’s label accessor, used to display a shape’s name on its tooltip. | |
valFormatter([function]) | Getter/setter for the number formatter function(n) , to show values in the tooltip. |
n => n |
units([string]) | Getter/setter for the value units, to include in the tooltip. | |
tooltipContent([string or fn]) | Getter/setter for a feature’s tooltip content accessor. Use this to specify extra content in each of the shape’s tooltips in addition to the feature label and value that is included by default. | |
onClick([function]) | Getter/setter for the callback function(feature) to trigger when clicking on a shape. |
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